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Imagine It Recycling at First Presbyterian Church!

Do you ever wonder what to do with all those no-longer-used small electronic gadgets accumulating in drawers and cabinets? What do you do with old cell phones, digital cameras, gaming devices, GPS devices…etc.? What about spent inkjet cartridges and laser toner drums and fusers? (These don’t belong in the trash.) Are friends and family members accumulating these things too?

Wonder no more! Instead look for the Imagine It recycling box at First Presbyterian Church! It is simple, costs us nothing, and requires almost no time or effort on our part. Imagine It will pick up regularly and provide everything we need for free (including brochures); and our church gets a check for a percentage of what Imagine It earns from our used portable electronics.

As you might guess, electronic devices earn the biggest return. Talk it up with family and friends; perhaps you can drop their old, no-longer-used small electronic devices in our box. Imagine It does not accept larger electronics like computers, printers, and TVs. For information on how to dispose of these items contact GLOW Region Solid Waste at 585-344-2580 or

Brochures with longer lists of acceptable items and more information are available at church; or check out For information on Imagine It data security see

Imagine It! Fund raising through recycling


At its June 2013 meeting Session approved a motion brought by the Summer Seasonal Team to eliminate the use of Styrofoam cups at First Presbyterian Church. According to the EPA Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam cups every year. Foam cups remain intact in a landfill for hundreds of years. While technically most forms of Styrofoam are recyclable there are very few recycling facilities that are equipped to handle Styrofoam and it is difficult to find a facility that accepts Styrofoam.

To encourage reducing the use of foam cups we’ve been practicing a new habit, Bring Your Own Mug to Coffee Hour. We have a wooden cabinet on the wall in Fellowship Hall that holds people's mugs. It may seem like our Styrofoam waste is a drop in a large landfill, but we must start somewhere – why not here? Our commitment to protecting our environment might inspire others!



Water for South Sudan

Water for South Sudan, Inc. drills water wells in Southern Sudan, one of the world’s poorest regions. First Presbyterian Church paid for the drilling of a well in the village of Abilnyang in 2008. 

For more information about Water for South Sudan, Inc. go to:

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